At the end of the program, we invite students to fill out an anonymous survey to share how the program affected them personally. Here are some of their answers:

At first I thought I wanted to wait until I found someone that was in a healthy relationship with me and we loved eachother but when I learned about risks more in depth this year I think it would benefit me and my partner to wait until marriage for sex.
Sex before marriage is too much of a risk. I have decided to wait until marriage to participate in sexual activity.
It made me think twice about my sexual life and how I want to have a more positive relationship with my girl without sex. Knowing the possibilities of catching AIDS or STDs, it makes me want to say no a lot easier.
It has helped me see the decision I have and that it is my choice. It can lead to something bad if I do it too early or it could be something amazing if I plan on waiting.
This program affected me personally because now I think about what it’s like to live life beautifully without having sex. I can still love and trust and be happy in my relationships with no sexual intercourse.
This program has taught me to really respect myself and set goals and boundaries to stay abstinent until marriage because it’s so much more special to wait and sex keeps you from not being able to accomplish your life goals.
I had always struggled with what to say under pressure and this class has helped me see reasons that could destroy my future and helped me say no under pressure in different ways. Thank you for making this class less weird!
I used to think that abstaining from any sexual activity would be best but would also be hard. I did not know if I could say ‘no’ in some situations. I now have the confidence that I can say ‘no’ in any situation.
The program helped me understand things that I never did before. There is a change on how I will think about teens and sex.
This program helped me understand that I am able to choose how I want my life to be and I don’t have to make choices based on what other’s want, especially when it comes to my body.
This program has shown me the real consequences to having sex and how it could be life-threatening if I don’t make smart choices. As of right now, I want to make the commitment to myself to abstain.
This program opened my eyes to see that when people have sex, it creates a bond between them. I was pressured to have sex in 9th grade and this program has hopefully made me learn how to say ‘no!’
I am currently in a relationship and this helps to make sure that I’m living my life the right way.
It has helped me so that if I am ever pressured to have sex, I know the best ways to say ‘no’ and avoid it.
I knew that waiting until marriage was the right way but that was the only in depth thing I knew. Wow, I know all the consequences and I am now certain about waiting.
At first I was like, sex is OK as a teen, but if I did it I would disappoint my parents. Now that I have learned about STDs, I really don’t want to have sex until I get married! Also, this class has taught me how to say no to sex and this sex ed class was VERY HELPFUL!
When I was 7 years old I was raped. When we got to the lesson on rape and sexual abuse, I decided to tell my mom. She called the police and now he is in jail. Thank you so much for this class, it showed me how important it is to tell someone if you’ve been sexually abused.
Personally, this program has helped me a lot. It has made me think more about my decisions not to have sex.
I love the teacher’s way of teaching the subject and it has helped me to possibly make an abstinence commitment. Enjoyed the class.
I have always committed or had an understanding that I would not have sex until I was married, but it has helped me understand the possible situations I could get into and how to get out of them.
I learned a lot from this program. It’s important to love myself and care about my body, the goals I have for myself are important, and I don’t want sex to get in my way.
I really learned a lot from this class. It gave me more reasons that back my decisions to remain abstinent until marriage.
This program has affected me personally by teaching me how to say ‘no,’ why to wait, and why to say ‘no.’ I am now more confident with my decision to wait for sex, because now I have very good reasons behind it, and now I better know the consequences.
This program has saved me from listening to the media. Without even realizing, I have been pressured by the media into thinking sex in high school is OK.

These are just a few examples of how Live Free Inc. has impacted the lives of students in Greenville County.