Why Teach Abstinence? 

What's the big deal?

Although 15-24 year olds represent only one-quarter of the sexually active population, they account for nearly half (9.1 million) of the 18.9 million new cases of STIs each year. Rates of Gonorrhea and Chlamydia are four times higher in teenagers and young adults than in the general population. One in four girls age 15-19 has a sexually transmitted infection. One in six Americans over age 14 is infected with Genital Herpes. Teens and young adults (15-29) comprise 86% of Gonorrhea cases. 

Why abstinence?

Abstinence WORKS. The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) has identified 17 abstinence programs evaluated by independent researchers that demonstrate significant reductions in teen sex. Not only does Live Free Inc. teach the benefits of abstinence for risk avoidance, but also the benefits of marriage as a worthwhile and attainable goal for sexual activity.  Choosing the Best is one of the programs cited in the NAEA report that demonstrated improved teen outcomes and is one of the programs of choice by Live Free Abstinence Educators.  Most parents support the sexual risk avoidance (abstinence) approach to sex education for their children.